Lockdown Tips For Better Video Conferencing Experience During Work@Home

Lockdown Tips For Better Video Conferencing Experience During Work@Home

Home is the new office now! At this time of uncertainty, most companies, regardless of their business, function in isolation with employees working from home. The official meetings have advanced to video calls, making online platforms the new workspace and appearing smart becomes essential. 

work from home

Luckily, there are plenty of ways to uphold the structure and order of your team during a work-at-home video conference.   

  • The standard features, including the Mute buttons and Chat functions, must be used whenever necessary.
  • Work from home doesn’t permit you to appear like a slob during a virtual meeting. Make sure you remain well-dressed in front of the camera.
  • Test your audio and video before the conference and make sure to stay connected to the platform throughout the meeting without interruptions.
  • Be well prepared, as being in a virtual platform doesn’t make it any different from a face-to-face meeting.
  • During the conference, we forget at times that the active mic picks up even the slightest noise. Hence, choose a quiet location with convenient seating.
  • Ensure that there is ample visibility with natural daylight by setting your station nearby a window. 
  • Avoid low angles while attending a video conference and adjust the webcam at eye-level or higher for the attendees to get a proper view.
  • Always maintain eye contact with the camera throughout the meeting to ensure adequate connectivity with your associates.
  • Be attentive to what your associates can see in the background; an overflowing laundry never gives a decent impression. So, ensure to have clean and tidy surroundings.
  • Always make it a point to mute yourself when not speaking; even when you are stationed in a quiet location.


Remaining in front of the webcam for long hours is the new normal! You don’t need to take drastic steps to enhance your video conference, but including the above tips will improve your virtual work experience.